Thursday, March 17, 2011

dumbass people: watch the movement of elected officials families i...

dumbass people: watch the movement of elected officials families i...: "I predict that in the next couple of days Nancy Pelosi and here extended family will take a 'VACATION' when you see them heading east you ha..."

watch the movement of elected officials families in California

I predict that in the next couple of days Nancy Pelosi and here extended family will take a "VACATION" when you see them heading east you had better do the same cause Nancy shriveled hands pelosi knows something YOU DONT so move when you see her family move.

dumbass people: The worlds police.

dumbass people: The worlds police.: "For the record, the US is currently in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan as well as being in several other 'POLICE' actions all over the world...."

The worlds police.

For the record, the US is currently in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan as well as being in several other "POLICE" actions all over the world. Just today H. Clinton said that the Saudi forces in Bahrain are using excessive force while using the same breath to talk about how the US is seeking UN approval to bomb Lybian forces and o conduct possible airstrikes against military targets.

Does anyone but me see that the US is the country that sticks it'nose in everyone elses word affairs? We have our own problems. Don't believe Fox news or CNN their news is "SCRUBBED" and they only report what they are allowed to report.

Also I think it is fair to say that the buck stops with Mr. Obama but the quarters are rolled down the hill by thunder thighs Clinton, it is her foreign policy that is dictating what and where US forces are wonder there are 100 million Muslims pissed off at the US.

Be warned!!! The US is facing major problems.
1. We have a president and congress that refuse to pass a budget. WHY? maybe they know that the numbers would send all Americans into a tail spend about just how much waste there truly is.
2. You are a fool if you think that budget problems will be solved by politicians that have been in Congress for several terms.THEY ARE THE PROBLEM there the ones that have been voting on spending increases for years so to think that they will be the ones to fix things is crazy.
3. Also do not think that republicans and Democrats are at each others throats, it is all just a big dance. Remember, if America did not have all these problems which were created by politicians so they can talk about hearings and committees so they can fix the problems they created then the American public would start to focus on how they are not capable of performing the jobs they were hired to do

The US is being destroyed from the inside out and from the outside in and it is due to the foreign policy of H. Clinton and Mr. Obama

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The founding fathers

Has anyone thought about the ways the founding fathers began their quest for a new country? If there were a few individuals TODAY who met in secrete places, used secrete messages to communicate, plotted the deaths of government officials, went overseas to get money and arms to help their effort, and tried to get foreign governments to send troops at strategic times and drafted a document that separated themselves from the sitting government they would all be rounded up by today's US Govt and imprisoned for being a threat to the establishment. Yet in the US we are all taught from the earliest of ages that the founding fathers were GREAT MEN. that sought to free themselves from an oppressive government.

The founding fathers were GREAT MEN it is the twisted, contrived form of today's government that is exactly what they wanted to free themselves from. Oh sure some people will say this is alot of BS and that they wanted to free themselves from a Monarchy that provided no representation with taxation,

So, you pay tax's as a matter of fact you don't PAY TAX'S THEY ARE TAKEN FROM YOU WELL BEFORE YOU ARE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO PAY THEM. and your completely satisfied with the way your money is spent? for your tax money to be spent on salaries for fat cat politicians and to allow them to rent out exclusive resorts to hold meetings and to grandstand in front of cameras. if your happy with this then your and idiot. To have tax money "REMOVED" from your paycheck and to be spent in ways that you do not agree with is the same thing as taxation without representation.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

US quick to critsize Libya and other nations for squashing protestors

The US Gov't is quick to offer support and possibly give arms to rebel forces and possibly create a NO FLY ZONE putting American pilots at risk. The rebel forces represent a small portion of libyan citizens that are willing to fight for a "NEW" Libyan Gov't notice I said a NEW ONE this does not mean it will be a BETTER ONE. As Kadafi sends his forces into rebel controlled portions of Libya the US is quick to say how he has lost legitimacy to rule. THINK ABOUT THIS!!!

What would the US politicians do if 2500 or more, US citizens got tired of all the fat cat politicians and how they are passing laws in the dark of night and armed themselves and starting marching on Washington DC? Just as the Libyan rebels who are praised so highly by the US do not want to negotiate with Kadafi these Americans would not be interested in negotiating with the Washington politicians either.

And what if China decided to talk to the American rebels and possibly arm them? what do you think the US Gov't would do? They would call out the National Guard and possible activate regular Army forces stationed throughout the US. Now, the rebel AMERICAN forces reach the outskirts of the Nations capital. Does anyone actually believe that they would not be KILLED by our Gov't? Your damm right they would be killed and then the US would be quick to tell china TO MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!.

If you think the US politicians are any different than any other ruler who wants to remain in power and do anything to stay in power to include killing armed American citizens looking to change the Gov't your as crazy/stupid as they come. Remember we are talking about Armed rebel forces that will not turn away because they are worried about getting arrested, We are talking about Americans who have decided to change The Gov't by force just like the Libyan Rebels who get so much praise from the US Gov't

You remember this! if several hundred or even several thousand AMERICANS decide to march on Washington and refuse to back down to police or the national guard the United States Gov't will KILL THEM WITHOUT HESITATION AND WITH OVERWHELMING FORCE!!!!!!.

Our Gov't encourages rebel forces to overthrow the sitting rulers of soverign nations that for whatever reason dont see eye to eye with the US Gov't and it's policies.


Strategic Oil Reserve

American tax payers paid to build it, paid to buy the oil to fill it, have been paying people for years to maintain it and now we get the honor of paying to use it. Where else in the world would this be a good deal? Why do we allow the Gov"t to take advantage of u in such ways?

Another thing to consider; The IRS will hunt you down if you owe them money, but when was the last time you heard of he Gov't hunting someone down to give them a check because the IRS owed them cash?

Thursday, March 10, 2011